““When you’re ready for the great realization adventure,
you look for a tradition and a guide
who knows the pristine peaks, the caves and the age-old roads.”...”
~ Randolph
The transmission of Heart...
Ramana Maharshi (1879 - 1950)
Ramana: “Our real nature is Liberation, but we imagine that we are bound... All spiritual teachings are only meant to make us retrace our steps to our Original Source. All you have to do is remove the coverings that conceal it. The path of knowledge removes the illusion of ‘I’. The path of devotion removes the illusion of ‘Me’... Surrender is giving oneself up to the origin of one’s Being. In due course, we will know that our glory lies where we cease to exist.
Satsang means association (sanga) with sat or Reality. Satsanga (satsang) really means association with the unmanifest sat or Reality (Satya). But as very few can do that, they have to do the second best, which is association with the manifest Truth (sat) - that is, the Guru.
One who knows or has realized the Truth is also regarded as Truth. Satsanga will make the mind sink into the Heart. Such association is both mental and physical. The extremely visible being of the Guru pushes the mind inward. He is also in the Heart of the seeker and so he draws the latter’s inward-bent mind into the Heart. Therefore the Guru is both ‘external’ and ‘internal’. From the ‘exterior’ He gives a push to the mind to turn inward; from the ‘interior’ He pulls the mind towards the Self and helps in the quieting of the mind. So seek the association with holy men. Such association with sat or with one who knows sat is absolutely necessary for all. Shankara has said that in all the three worlds there is no boat like sat sang to carry one safely across the ocean of births and deaths...”
Selvarajan Yesudian (1916 - 1998)
Yesudian: “Man is a mysterious wonder...
The boundedness of his days demands that he wake from his dreamy slumber and get to know the power of his being and the unboundedness of his Self....
For thousands of years man has sought tirelessly to find the solution to the great secret, the mystery. Many have taken it upon themselves to unravel the secret of being a human being, yet few have succeeded in putting it into words. Their tireless striving, steely perseverance and yearning to grasp the truth bore fruit: their spirits were enlightened and the whole secret of Existence was revealed to them. They understood life, were able to penetrate to the final origin, and found and followed the way leading from suffering to freedom, happiness and blessedness. They knew that this state could be reached by everyone, and, so enlightened, began out of compassion to teach their fellows who languished in pain and sorrow, pointing the way to deliverance and liberation.
There are different ways to reach the top. Many will take the easiest way (the serpentine way with broad turnings).... Others will shorten the way by choosing a steeper (and narrower) path. And finally, a few will take the shortest way, climbing the steep cliffs...”