Satsang with Randolph: Oneness, Enlightenment, Liberation
Satsang with Randolph: Oneness, Enlightenment, Liberation
“Open up to the rainbows, the moon, the sun and the stars...”
“Everyone has experienced magical moments in their lives. Moments in which everything is suddenly bathed in an exquisite, mysterious light, when all reality is perceived in endless clarity and the heart explodes! You wander enraptured, lost in the glory of an ecstatic universe...”
“Life is a magic quest, you meet and walk upon the landscape of what you radiate. Through satsang you discover your passion, the journey through your heart. The spiritual heart first awakens your passion and compassion. I call this traditional transmission ‘the transmission of Heart & Space’ ...”
“Its the same Silence...
in the eye of the hurricane,
in the flight of the eagle,
in the blossoming of the flowers and
in the whispering of the wind in de treetops...”
The Red Thread through the Advaita Vedanta, Dzogchen, Yoga, Zen...