The explosion of the Heart

The explosion of the Heart

“Everyone has experienced magical moments in their lives. Moments in which everything is suddenly bathed in an exquisite, mysterious light, when all reality is perceived in endless clarity and the heart explodes! You wander enraptured, lost in the glory of an ecstatic universe. These moments come out of nowhere, unannounced, without explanation… and then they disappear.

You didn't have to do anything, you didn't have to work for it. It just came over you. Nothing had changed - everything was there just as always: the trees, the sun, the sky, the people . . . and yet everything was different. The same trees, people, happenings were suddenly bathed in a mysterious light that made everything exquisitely alive, dancing and singing. . . . It was reality unfiltered, unmediated by the mind, unconditioned, absolutely naked and uncomplicated. Somehow a “perspective shift” had taken place…

After such an experience, most of us wonder: “What happened?” “Can I experience it again?” “How did it come about?” A search is born…