Satsang-earth  goud goud 96 klein.png

The Silent Center

Centration and Stabilization...

Eenheid, Verlichting, Bevrijding  zwart klein 96.png
Satsang met Randolph: 'Het stille centrum van de cycloon'...

The Silent Center of the cyclone

“Has anyone ever told you that it’s possible to live a dynamic, even turbulent life, taking place in the peace, freedom and absolute Stillness of your True Nature? The realization of such a turbulent existence in midst of the heart of your life is possible through realizing ‘the Silent center of the cyclone’...”

Darshan met Randolph: 'De twilight, het Schitterende en het Stralende'...

The twilight, the Bright & the Radiant

“Through satsang you discover your true nature and learn to recognize once more the fundamental goodness and beauty of existence. As you go further in your realization adventure, the sparkling clarity and the bliss of Beingness emerges, eventually to merge into the Absolute Radiant...” logo


Satsang . Earth

De realisatietocht door de innerlijke Himalaya

De essentie van Advaita Vedanta, Dzogchen, Adi-Yoga, Zen... 








Satsang stille centrum.jpg


Achtergrond Eigeel 7.jpg
Achtergrond zwart.jpg